Students in the PhDCR program are expected to select a dissertation research mentor(s), with the help of their Faculty Advisor and members of the PhD Oversight Committee by the middle of year two. An effective mentor-mentee relationship is crucial as doctoral students begin their scientific careers. The dissertation research mentor(s) is expected to guide the student’s research progress, provide professional and personal development opportunities and uphold high academic and research standards. Dissertation research mentors must commit to the following when agreeing to mentor a student in the PhDCR program:
Meet with the student on a regular basis
Review the student’s progress at regular intervals and provide timely feedback and goal setting advice
Work with the student to help plan and guide the research project, set reasonable and attainable goals, and establish a timeline for completion of the dissertation research
Help the student select a Multidisciplinary Advisory Committee and ensure that the student meets with the MAC annually
Assure that the candidate completes an annual progress report, approved by their respective Mentor(s) and MAC, to be submit to the PhDCR program
Encourage the doctoral student to attend and present their research at scientific/professional meetings
Create an environment in which the student can discuss and explore career opportunities and paths that match their skills, values, and interests; and
Support the student’s career path choices
The goal of the Near-Peer Mentoring Program is to increase access to resources for a successful graduate school experience and to build an active and supportive community by providing students with support from other graduate students, alumni or faculty who are active in the Clinical Research field. The near-peer mentor will serve as a sounding board, share experiences as a member of the CLR Program, help the mentee overcome current challenges, and provide advice when appropriate. Each student in the program will be assigned a near-peer mentor based on their research interest and will meet in an informal setting (over coffee etc.) on a per-term basis or more frequently if needed.
The role of the thesis research mentor(s) is to guide the student’s research progress, provide professional and personal development and uphold high academic and research standards. Students in the MSCR program must identify a thesis research mentor by June 1 of their first year. The student selects a thesis research mentor with the help of the program leadership and their faculty advisor. Once selected, the thesis research mentor(s) and student should discuss the expectations and goals of the project and commit to working together until the completion of the project. This process is formalized by signing and submitting the online Research Agreement form. The program leadership will sign these respective forms to indicate that the mentoring arrangement meets with the approval of the Clinical Research Education Program.
There are several formal advising processes for CRTP, MSCR, and PhDCR students. They include:
Entering Clinical Research students are assigned a faculty advisor from the CLR Faculty. The goal of the faculty advisor is to help students navigate the research landscape at ISMMS and the GSBS, the larger scientific research enterprise and monitor the individual student’s academic progress. Students will be assigned a faculty advisor at the start of their first year based upon their initial specified area of research interest, articulated in the application to the program. The role of the faculty advisor will be distinct from that of research mentor. Specifically, the faculty advisor will:
Provide advice on elective coursework relevant to the area of research focus
Assist in finding potential thesis/research mentors related to possible research topics and projects of interest (MSCR/PhD)
Provide assistance with challenges that arise with regard to courses and/or research
Provide advice on funding and career opportunities
CRTP, MSCR and PhDCR students are required to meet with their assigned faculty advisor no later than the end of Spring I each year. Students are asked to notify the Program Manager of their scheduled appointment with their faculty advisor. The Program Manager will then forward the appropriate material for the advisor to review with the student. Notes of the meeting will be put into the student’s file for review by the Program Directors. In addition, the student is also required to meet with the program administration before the start of the Spring II term each year.
The Multidisciplinary Action Committee (MAC) has the responsibility to advise doctoral students as they progress in their dissertation research. The MAC has the authority to require that the dissertation research meet a high-quality standard, including the authority to require a rewrite of the dissertation research thesis proposal and/or the written dissertation, in whole or in part. The student must meet with their MAC yearly and complete the Progress Report form after each meeting along with the MAC. The form must be submitted to the Program Manager annually beginning in year three and before the defense.
The MAC conducts the final oral examination and determines whether the dissertation meets the acceptable standards. It will be up to the committee as to when the student is ready to defend their dissertation. The student must submit the progress report form to the CLR program office as proof that the committee has met and decided that the student is ready to defend.
By no later than March 31 of year two, a PhDCR candidate will form a Multidisciplinary Advisory Committee (MAC) which will oversee the progress of the dissertation research. With the help of the PhD Oversight Committee and dissertation research mentor(s), the student will identify five MAC members, including a Chair. Required members of the committee include:
A Biostatistician with appropriate analytical expertise of relevance to the dissertation research proposal
Faculty with different methodologic and/or phenotypic patient-oriented research expertise of relevance to the proposed dissertation research
A Chair, selected by the candidate and their respective mentor(s) with expertise of relevance to the proposed dissertation research
No member of the PhD Oversight Committee will be allowed to serve as a voting member on any candidate’s MAC. One member of the PhD Oversight Committee will attend all MAC meetings to assure that all meetings are conducted according to the program policies and procedures.
Not more than two members of the above committee may be from a comparable academic setting other than Mount Sinai. The majority of the committee, including the chair, must be members of the Graduate School Faculty.
Collaborators on the project or recent related projects
Co-authors on papers or abstracts with the student on any project and/or working on projects that will lead to future publications
Substantially involved in supervising the work or advising for the thesis work
The PhD Oversight Committee must approve the committee roster and the chair, and will outline the duties of the reviewers and of the Committee. A copy of the Declaration for PhD in Clinical Research form, which includes the name of the dissertation mentor(s) and the MAC members must be provided to the Clinical Research Education Program Office by March 31 of year two. The student will be responsible for obtaining signatures from their MAC members and the Program Manager will assist the student in obtaining approval from the PhD Oversight Committee.
In anticipation of the dissertation defense, the student will need to have identified an outside reviewer (preferably not from the institution) with knowledge related to the student's field of study. If the student wishes to identify the outside review at the time that they submit their declaration form, they may do so by including the name of the individual in "Adviser 6" box. Otherwise, the name should be included in the Dissertation Defense and Seminar Registration form.