Thesis Advisory Committee

The thesis advisory committee is an essential, independent advisory panel that adds to the mentoring provided by the student’s research mentor. The membership of the committee should be determined after discussion between the mentor(s) and the mentee, and consist of at least three mentoring faculty members of the GSBS who can provide advice and support to the student. The student should declare the thesis advisory committee simultaneously with declaring the mentor(s) and laboratory, or as close as is possible to the time (not to exceed 3 months) the laboratory is declared.

The thesis advisory committee must meet with the student at least once per semester starting from the point of laboratory declaration. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure these meetings occur each semester, and that the appropriate progress reports are submitted electronically to the PhD program manager. Early meetings will focus on developing aims for a research proposal to act as the basis of the qualifying exam, as well as review initial progress and the relevant literature. At any time, the thesis advisory committee also acts to advise and support the student with their training experience, academic progress, and career development. Throughout the student’s candidacy phase, the thesis advisory committee plays an important role in working with both the mentor and mentee to refine and resolve any substantive or professional divergences.

The qualifying exam, comprising a thesis proposal (written document and oral defense) and discussion of relevant general knowledge from core classes, confirms candidacy for the Doctor of Philosophy degree. This exam is evaluated by the thesis advisory committee, plus an MTA director or their delegate (a senior faculty from their MTA). PhD students should successfully complete the qualifying exam by the end of their fourth semester (June 30th), and MD/PhD students by the end of their first year in the PhD-phase (MP1). Further details regarding registration and expectations for this exam can be found in “Thesis Proposal” to follow.

Following confirmation of candidature, the thesis advisory committee continues to advise on research directions and scope, preparations for thesis defense and publications, as well as responsible generation and handling of data arising from their research in the mentor’s laboratory. The thesis advisory committee will also advise on career development and on any other challenges or difficulties students may encounter during their PhDs. On occasions where additional help or focusing of effort is required, the thesis advisory committee may require more frequent meetings.

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