Health Care Management Track

The Health Care Management Specialty Track prepares graduates for positions of leadership and management in public health, health, government and community service organizations.

Students will learn competencies in strategic, ethical and accountable management practices, in state of the art human resource management and supervision, in the techniques of finance and budgeting, the use of quantitative tools for management accountability and for managing cost effective health care and they will learn to design, implement and evaluate programs and projects.

The Health Care Management specialty track curriculum provides competency-based learning in organizational development and organization behavior, including theory and application, team leadership, relationship building, collaboration and community orientation, social marketing, public relations and communication and information systems management and assessment.

  1. Apply theories of organizational analysis, organizational behavior, or financial analysis to leading health organizations.

  2. Design, implement, or manage cost-effective health projects.

  3. Develop skills in team management, collaboration, or leadership to effect change at multiple levels.

  4. Identify various health care payment methodologies for diverse at-risk populations.

  5. Develop community partnerships within the context of sustainable service provision and evaluation.

Health Care Management Track Requirements and Electives

Course Number and TitleCredits

MPH0107 Accounting & Budgeting for Public Health Administration


MPH0111 Organizational Behavior & Human Resources


MPH0120 Managed Care and Health Insurance


MPH0121 Capstone Seminar in Health Care Management


MPH0014 Program Planning*


MPH0016 LGB/TGD/Q+ Health: Research, Policies and Best Practices*


MPH0103 Strategic & Program Management*


MPH0104 Healthcare in Communities & Public Sector*


MPH0105 Health Economics*


MPH0108 Comparative Health Systems*


MPH0110 Pharmacoeconomics*


MPH0012 Public Health Lab*


MPH0015 History of Public Health in America


Students may choose other additional electives from across Tracks


*Elective Options

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