Specialty Track Advisors

Students in each Track are strongly encouraged to contact their Track Advisor early on and regularly throughout their time at ISMMS. Track Advisors are an important resource, and can provide information and advice regarding elective courses, Applied Practice Experience, and Culminating Experience opportunities, proposals, competencies, and development, as well as information on the public health profession.


General Public Health Track & Biostatistics Specialty Track

John T. Doucette, PhD

Email: john.doucette@mssm.edu

Location: CAM Building, 17 E. 102 St., West Tower, 2nd floor - D2-145

Health Promotion & Disease Prevention Specialty Track

Elizabeth J. Garland, MD, MS

Email: elizabeth.garland@mssm.edu

Location: CAM Building, 17 E. 102 St., West Tower, 2nd floor - D2-148

Environmental Health Sciences Specialty Track

Lauren M. Zajac, MD, MPH

Email: lauren.zajac@mssm.edu

Location: CAM Building, 17 E. 102 St., West Tower, 2nd floor - D2-140

Global Health Specialty Track

Diana Lee, MD

Email: diana.lee2 @mssm.edu

Outcomes Research Specialty Track

Jenny Lin, MD, MPH

Email: jenny.lin@mountsinai.org

Location: CAM Building, 17 E. 102 St., West Tower, 6th floor - D6-157

Health Care Management Track

Matthew Baney, MS

Email: matthew.baney@mountsinai.org

Location: 275 7th Ave., 15th Floor, Suite 1505

Epidemiology Track

Stephanie Factor, MD, MPH

Email: stephanie.factor@mssm.edu

Location: CAM Building, 17 E. 102 St., West Tower, 4th floor - D4-110

Last updated